Archive for category Uncategorized

Diabetic women more likely to die after heart attack

Women younger than age 65 with diabetes tend to have worse cardiovascular risk profiles than diabetic men of the same age, leading to higher death rates following a heart attack, research shows.

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Higher Risk Of Adult Diabetes May Be Explained By Potassium Loss From Blood Pressure Drugs

Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered that a drop in blood potassium levels caused by diuretics commonly prescribed for high blood pressure could be the reason why people on those drugs are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The drugs helpfully accelerate loss of fluids, but also deplete important chemicals, including potassium, so that those who take them are generally advised to eat bananas and other potassium-rich foods to counteract the effect.

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Diabetics Spend Thousands More on Care

$4,174 more a year, but study says proper management, lifestyle changes can help.

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200 Children With Diabetes Lobby MPs For Improved Support At UK Schoos, UK

More than 200 children and young people with diabetes from across the country will today travel to a Diabetes UK lobby of Parliament to ask MPs to improve support for pupils with diabetes in schools in England.

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Genetic Screening May ID Diabetes Risk

Genetic screening can help identify people at risk for type 2 diabetes, but it adds little to traditional methods for determining risk, two new studies show.

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Garlic chemical tablet treats diabetes 1 and 2

Oral administration of vanadium-allixin compound lowers blood glucose levels in diabetic mice.

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Vitamin Boosts Immunity Against Skin Cancer

Vitamin B3 found in common foods like meats, nuts, grains and cereals, may provide the next advance in skin cancer prevention, according to new research from the University of Sydney.

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Stop Skin Cancer On The Spot

Based on current estimates, 8,420 people are expected to die from melanoma this year. In an effort to reverse this sobering trend, dermatologists and the scientific community alike are continually developing new diagnostics, refining detection guidelines and providing patients with the tools they need to properly examine their own skin for signs of skin cancer.

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Survey Reports Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes Need More Social And Psychological Support

Data from a new global survey released on World Diabetes Day finds that many teens and young adults with type 1 diabetes are optimistic about their future, but report a lack of support from school staff. The poll highlights the importance of family and peer-to-peer support.

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A Single ‘Designer Molecule’ Tackles Skin Cancer Cells By 2 Completely Different Routes

By playing it safe and using a two-pronged attack, a novel designer molecule fights malignant melanoma. It was created and tested by an international team of researchers led by the University of Bonn. On the one hand, the substance is similar to components of viruses and in this way alerts the immune system. The body’s own defences are also strengthened against cancer cells in this process.

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