Archive for category RSS

Simplify Your Social Media Routine

These days participating in social media such as Twitter, Facebook, blogging and more is almost required for any entrepreneur or business, small or large.

Leo Babauta from  Zen Habits gives some tips that will help you stay in touch, and continue to participate in cyber conversations, without losing sight of your mission and the important work you need to get done. These include:

  1. Use simple tools to make the most of social media
  2. Focus on sending out high impact messages
  3. Let go of the need to read everything. Learn to scan
  4. Figure out which social media give you the most value, and simplify
  5. Form close relationships with people who give you the most value, not everyone
  6. Manage your time wisely

Read more

Blog: Diabetes news from

This is my small blog on diabetes. You can also subscribe via email or rss.

Find a link to older stories at the bottom of this page.

Blog: Patients, nutrition and physical activity

This is my small blog on physical activity and nutrition relevant for patients. You can also subscribe via email or rss.

Find a link to older stories at the bottom of this page.

Sub topics overview

If you would like to know how the different topics are connected please see this diagram. It is helpful when chosing what topics to subscribe to in case you would like to avoid reading the same stories more than once.


Blog: Skin cancer news from

This is my small blog on skin cancer and sun protection. You can also subscribe via email or rss.

Find a link to older stories at the bottom of this page.

Sub topics

You can subscribe via e-mail to the following individual topics:

Subscribe to Food labeling:

or via RSS
Guideline Daily Amount and better food labeling scheems

Subscribe to Food marketing:

or via RSS
How and why food industry should limit marketing of unhealthy products to children

Subscribe to Food service:

or via RSS
How food service, cateens, workplace restaurants and fast food companies can foster health

Subscribe to Fruits and Vegetables:

or via RSS
The latest about fruits and vegetables for better health

Subscribe to School nutrition:

or via RSS
Healthy foods and snacks in schools plus school fruit programs

Subscribe to Whole grains:

or via RSS
News on health benefits of whole grains from

Subscribe to Environment:

or via RSS
How environmental factors can stimulate physical activity

Subscribe to Playgrounds:

or via RSS
How playgrounds can be designed to promote physical activity for better health

Subscribe to Policy:

or via RSS
Policy issues related to nutrition, obesity and physical activity

The first 6 topics are automatically included in the topic “Nutrition and obesity”. Likewise “Environment” and “Playgrounds” are included in “Physical Activity”. You can subscribe to “Nutrition and obesity” and “Physical Acivity” here. See Sub topics overview for a complete picture.

I also maintain simple blogs on Diabetes, Nutrition and physical activity related to patients and Skin cancer.

How to make your own RSS feeds

I prepared an 11 minute screencast explaining how I use, google reader, og to produce my RSS feeds. Watch my screencast now. I made the screencast using Camtasia.