You can subscribe via e-mail to the following individual topics:

Subscribe to Food labeling:

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Guideline Daily Amount and better food labeling scheems

Subscribe to Food marketing:

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How and why food industry should limit marketing of unhealthy products to children

Subscribe to Food service:

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How food service, cateens, workplace restaurants and fast food companies can foster health

Subscribe to Fruits and Vegetables:

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The latest about fruits and vegetables for better health

Subscribe to School nutrition:

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Healthy foods and snacks in schools plus school fruit programs

Subscribe to Whole grains:

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News on health benefits of whole grains from

Subscribe to Environment:

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How environmental factors can stimulate physical activity

Subscribe to Playgrounds:

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How playgrounds can be designed to promote physical activity for better health

Subscribe to Policy:

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Policy issues related to nutrition, obesity and physical activity

The first 6 topics are automatically included in the topic “Nutrition and obesity”. Likewise “Environment” and “Playgrounds” are included in “Physical Activity”. You can subscribe to “Nutrition and obesity” and “Physical Acivity” here. See Sub topics overview for a complete picture.

I also maintain simple blogs on Diabetes, Nutrition and physical activity related to patients and Skin cancer.