Archive for category Whole grains

The 2010 US dietary guidelines tech report released

On June 15, 2010 the US Agriculture Secretary and Human Services Secretary announced that public comments are now being accepted on the 2010 Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Find the report here.

The actual 2010 Dietary Guidelines will be released at the end of 2010.

Upcomming nutrition discussions are likely to be centret around the following issues and new busswords:

Combining Nutrients, Consuming Foods
Translating and Integrating the Evidence
Energy Balance and Weight Management
Nutrient Adequacy
Fatty Acids and Cholesterol
Sodium, Potassium, and Water
Food Safety and Technology

Wholegrain and cabbage probably protect against colorectal cancer

A study by the Cancer Society show that women with high concentrations of enterolacton in their blood have about 40 percent lower risk of getting colon cancer.

Enterolacton is a plant estrogen, which is formed in the intestine. Oat, rye bread, cabbage, nuts, seeds (eg. Linseed), and leafy vegetables are good sources of enterolacton.

It seems that enterolacton have an effect on colon cancer. For each doubling of the concentration of enterolacton women decreased risk of getting colon cancer by 24 percent and by 42 percent if you have not taken antibiotics within the past year, says Nina Føns Johnsen, who is a researcher at the Cancer Society and has recently defended her phd-dissertation on enterolacton and bowel cancer.

Newsstory on in Danish (English google translation)


This blog post illustrates the challenges of having a Whole Grain labelling scheme without any rules as to how much sugar, salt and fat are added to the products.

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CO2 labelling on Danish bread

As the first food manufacturer in Denmark Lantmännen Unibake is about to disclose specific CO2 emissions for their products through labelling.

Google translation

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An Apple A Day And Kidney Stones

Researchers have found another reason to eat well: a healthy diet helps prevent kidney stones. Loading up on fruits, vegetables, nuts, low-fat dairy products, and whole grains, while limiting salt, red and processed meats, and sweetened beverages is an effective way to ward off kidney stones.

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Snackwise – A new rating system for snacks

Center for Healthy Weight and Nutrition at Nationwide Children’s Hospital developed Snackwise®. It’s a research-based snack rating system that calculates Nutrient Density in snack foods. Snackwise® is designed for use by any organization or individual interested in making healthier snack choices. It based on the content of 10 nutrients + energy.

Visit A list of healthy snacks on the US market.

Almost all you need to know about Dietary Fibre and Health

British Nutrition Foundation has made a special issue of the Nutrition Bulletin on dietary fibre and health. It’s available for free.  You can therefore access the following 6 articles without using your creditcard:

Dietary fibre: an evolving definition?
Victoria Betteridge

Review: Dietary fibre and health: an overview
Judy Buttriss, Caroline Stokes

Carbohydrates and dietary fibre
Joanne Lunn, JL Buttriss

Review: Dietary fibre and the gut microbiota
Karen Scott, Sylvia Duncan, Harry Flint

Dietary fibre and satiety
Joanne Slavin, Hilary Green

Health properties of resistant starch
Anne Nugent

Whole grains and health: perspective for Asian Indians

Grains are the most important food source of Indian population, due to this carbohydrate consumption constitute approx. 60-70% of total food intake. Grains have shown to have a role in prevention and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer and obesity.

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Questionnaire for estimating whole-grain cereal intake

To estimate WG cereal intake, researchers developed a forty-three-item FFQ focused on cereal product intake over the past month. It was then validated. The new questionnaire appears to give a rapid and adequate estimate of WG cereal intake in free-living subjects.

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Influence of Whole Grains on Short-term Satiety and Energy Intake

This study compared the effect of whole grain high-fiber barley, whole grain wheat and refined rice based foods on energy intake and satiety. Forty-seven healthy subjects consumed a breakfast of hot cereal and a snack mix containing either barley, wheat, or refined rice, followed by an ad libitum smorgasbord lunch using a crossover design. Energy intake was measured at the lunch using plate waste. Hunger, fullness, desire to eat, amount of food consumed, and thirst were assessed using a modified visual analog scale (VAS) before and after the breakfast, snack and lunch. Energy intake at lunch did not differ among products.

In conclusion, intake of a whole grain high-fiber barley, whole grain wheat, or refined rice breakfast and snack did not decrease energy intake acutely, but consumption of whole grain high-fiber barley foods significantly decreased hunger whereas whole wheat and refined rice foods did not.

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