A study by the Cancer Society show that women with high concentrations of enterolacton in their blood have about 40 percent lower risk of getting colon cancer.

Enterolacton is a plant estrogen, which is formed in the intestine. Oat, rye bread, cabbage, nuts, seeds (eg. Linseed), and leafy vegetables are good sources of enterolacton.

It seems that enterolacton have an effect on colon cancer. For each doubling of the concentration of enterolacton women decreased risk of getting colon cancer by 24 percent and by 42 percent if you have not taken antibiotics within the past year, says Nina Føns Johnsen, who is a researcher at the Cancer Society and has recently defended her phd-dissertation on enterolacton and bowel cancer.

Newsstory on cancer.dk in Danish (English google translation)