Proposed terminology for use when discussing different food labeling schemes
Labeling scheme = Type of labeling

A labeling scheme can be specified using the following aspects
Steps on scale = Points on scale = fine-grained scale
A labeling scheme can be 2 steps (on or off like a checkmark), 3-steps (like LOW, MED and HIGH on a Traffic Light), indefinite (a continuous scale, in practice it could be a 100 step scale) or another number of steps. Number of steps contributes to the complexity of a labeling scheme.

Number of dimensions

A labeling scheme can display one or more dimensions, where a dimension could be “overall healthy ness” (like a checkmark) or the content of calories and different nutrients. A GDA label often has 5 dimensions: (1. Cal, 2. Sugars, 3. Fat, 4. Sat fat and 5. Salt). A GDA label can also show also only one dimension (Calories on a soda).

Interpretive element

This interpretive element can also be called ‘judgmental’ or the ‘guiding/helpful’ element. The interpretive element can be in the form of WORDS (Poor, Low, Mediun, High or Super), colors (red, amber, green) or a percent (like the %GDA). The nature of the interpretive element can be “Threshold(s)” or “Scoring/Scale”.

Reference unit

It could be “100 g/ 100 ml”, “100 kcal” or some “servings”

Reference values

Some labeling schemes are based on a set of intake ‘labeling reference intake values’.

Communication means

It can be any colors, numbers, text or symbols, or any combination hereof.


This covers a function og the following dimensions: xxx, xxx

When discussing GDA-labeling the following terminology is proposed:Hent fra min mail og puds af.